Never waste an opportunity

Garden Life is a mentality, a lifestyle. Every day we have opportunities to live a garden life. Today I harvested dandelion root to dry and make tea. Dandelion root can be used as a coffee supplement and is also very good for kidney health.

These dandelions were a bit easier to harvest as they did come from a raised garden bed I was hired to prep. I would have kept the greens and flowers, but they were fed to the chickens. I think these folks had about 10 chickens that provide a constant supply of eggs they are happy to share.

The coop isn’t that big, a small structure with an about 10 sq. ft enclosed area. Many municipalities have by-laws that allow for folks to raise chickens in their yards.

Eggs are a great source of protein. Not to mention keeping chickens helps recycle kitchen and yard waste while producing nutrient rich fertilizer.


Stinging Nettle

